Are you planning to install a new roof on your home and have decided to use metal instead of asphalt shingles? If so, it will help to know these tips when installing this new material that is quite a bit different than what you are used to.
Overlay The Panels Correctly
There is a right and wrong way when it comes to overlaying the metal panels as they are positioned on your roof. You'll want to do it so that the extra-wide lip on one end is the side that is on the bottom, and then you overlay that lip with the next section so that the shorter side is on top. This helps the metal panels form a good seal where the two pieces come together.
Set The Screws Correctly
It is possible to put screws into the metal roofing panels incorrectly. Each screw will go in with a metal washer, and the state of the washer can help tell you if you put the screw in correctly. If you can still spin the washer around, then the screw has not been placed tight enough. If the washer is so tight that it has expanded around the screw's metal band, then it is too tight. The screw should always be installed on a flat surface of the roofing material, rather than on a curve of the metal panel.
In addition, you want to make sure you are using enough screws in flashing material. In places where PVC pipes are sticking out of the roof, you will want to make sure that the flashing doesn't have gaps that allow water to get in underneath, so use plenty of screws to hold it in place.
Use The Right Amount Of Sealant
Another thing that is possible to do is using too much sealant on your metal roof. That's because mistakes are not possible to fix by using extra caulking material. You need to waterproof your home by setting the panels and trim correctly, with the caulk used as a secondary barrier to provide waterproofing. If you think that you can fix a problem you caused, such as a gap in the panels, by putting in extra sealant, know that the sealant will only deteriorate over time and cause water to get in.
Set The Panel Overhang Correctly
It's important that you set the panels correctly when it comes to the amount of material that hangs off the end of the roof. Follow the instructions for your specific roofing material, which usually limits the overhang to one or two inches.
Contact roofers in your area to learn more.