The need for a new commercial roof replacement isn't something you can put off. If your old roof is failing, then a new roof is needed before water leaks damage your business internally. Scheduling a roof replacement without compromising operations can be challenging, though.

1. Choose a Slow Season

If your business is primarily seasonal in nature, then it may make sense to plan the roof replacement when business is at a natural low point. For example, outdoor stores often see a slow down in fall once school starts back up, so a fall replacement before winter weather arrives could be ideal. If you don't have a slow season but do have slow days, then try to schedule the initial roof tear off (if not the whole replacement) for these slower days.

2. Close for Tear-Off

The tear-off step is the most dangerous part of the roof installation—at least for those below. Falling materials and nails can cause injury or pose a risk to vehicles in the parking lot. If possible, close the business for tear-off, at least when tear-off is occurring on customer accessible sides of the building. Ideally, this task should take no more than a day for a small- to medium-sized roof. If you are closed on weekends, you can schedule tear off for these days instead of interrupting normal business operations. 

3. Alter Parking

You don't want to be held liable for any damage to vehicles in the event roofing materials or tools fall into the bordering parking areas during replacement. Use cones and flagging tape to close off the parking lots and sidewalks that are against the perimeter sides of the building. It is better to reduce customer parking than it is to deal with damage liabilities.

4. Manage Foot Traffic

Pedestrians are at the most risk of injury from items falling from the roof or from navigating around roofing equipment and supplies. Closing all sidewalks that border the building and limiting access to a single door can minimize the chances of a pedestrian being in the danger zone. Use large barricades that are difficult to bypass. 

5. Use Temporary Coverage

To further help prevent falling items from causing injury, install a temporary metal awning, such as those used for carports, over the customer entrance. This way if anything does fall during re-roofing, anyone below will be protected from injury.

Contact a commercial roof replacement service for more advice about planning the work.
